Friday, 11 April 2014

What A Friend I Have In You!

A friend is like a flower,
Good to look at,
Good to be with,
Good to smell,
Good to move around with,
Improves your appearance,
And adds you a fragrance,
Makes you smell good.

A friend is someone you trust,
Someone you can tell secrets,
And listen to theirs too,
And a friend tells you,
Secrets of others too.

A friend is like a shadow,
Follows you back and forth,
Gets closer as the sun goes higher
Sometimes walks ahead of you.
Guiding you,
As you guide them.

A friend is like a radio,
Keeps you company,
Sets your ears to task,
For soothing songs when depressed.

A friend is like your favourite cloth,
Not only covers your privacy,
But also makes you stand out,
Improves your outward image,
And gives you confidence.


My best friend is not like a flower,
A flower dries,
And loses beauty when it dries,
No one wants it back,
My best friend is more than a flower,
My best friend is always there,
My best friend will never fade.
I have no secrets to share with my best
Because my best friend is my confidant,
And whatever we talk is between us,
So nothing is secret between us.

My best friend is not like a shadow,
Because it only accompanies me in light
But dissolves in when the going gets tough,
A shadow diverts my attention from the light,
My best friend shows me the way of light.

My best friend is not like a radio,
That I only listen to it,
But it never listens to me,
A radio leaves me in a blackout,
In dark greasy moments,
When I need comfort most.
My best friend is a good listener,
And stands by me,
Whatever the storms.
In light and moments not so light.

My best friend is not like a cloth,
That gets dirty and I have to wash,
That gets carried by the wind,
And leaves me exposed,
That gets worn out and out dated.
My best friend is part of me,
Knows how I feel,
Even when I try to hide,
When I wash off my mistakes
We are washed together.
You are that best friend of mine.
And will always be.

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