Friday 11 April 2014

Rumour Has It.

I heard that you moved on
'Cause ever since we parted ways
've been thinkn from night til dawn
I've been facing rough days
'Cause i miss what we had
The nights are no longer warm
When i think about it I'll jus' go mad
'Cause without you i have no home.

I heard that you found someone else
That'll probably love you more than i did,
I hope it ends up like in the fairy tales,
At least then wil my mind be settled, indeed !
I hope you'll be happy there
And be filled with joy and love,
I'm saying this cause i stil care
And that you're the best i'l ever have.

I heard that you now smile all day long
And that your eyes give a spark,
Not that with me all things went wrong
I could prove if i pushed time back.
I'm jus' wondering, if that smile would last
'Cause my insticts keep telling me you're mine.
I'm not hoping for the worst
Though i feel like i'm at the end of the line.
... ... ...

I also heard that you're not engaged anymore
'Cause your man hurt you.
Don' think all men are the same 'cause i'm not like before
Though i've not changed much, my feelings are true.
Tell me what you think,
Now that you're free,
Jus' a question that'll make you shrink;
Is there still space in your heart for me ?

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