Thursday 1 May 2014

Lovers Anthem

You may not say it cause you're shy,
So İ'll not bother asking you why.
İ'll leave soon but dont say goodbye
Until that time comes,lets stay fly.
Don't look at me that way, you'll make me cry
Cause it hurts, not like i'm going to die. . .
İts like a dream but not a lie,
Not like the drama, The American pie.
İf my love's your worry, then to you İ'll tie.
Don't give me that short sigh
İnstead, look at me straight in the eye
And tell me if thats not worth a try.

From Kenya with love

I'm yours forever or till the day that i die,
Would ice in a freezer ever dry?
The same way to you i'd never lie,
Don't doubt that i'll never say bye,
Until fate decides, lets stay fly. ;-)
To think of leaving you i just can't try
Cause i don' wanna be the cause of your painful cry.
You're my hallelujah, its in you that i rely,
Even if it means that all odds i defy,
I will for your sake so that we can take our love high.
I hope that one time a knot we'll tie,
I know haters gon' talk, wanting to ask why
I chose you to be mine.
But not to worry, my mind's straight like a line,
I hope yours is too, 'cause everything'll be just fine,
So lets celebrate 'Cause its a happy ending,
thats our sign.

Friday 11 April 2014

We Met

At the very edge of the rocky descend,
At the entrance to a peaceful haven,
At the open of the doors
by an angel with a charm,
With a touch scented breeze.

Behind me I saw no thing,
For my back minded me not,
What was in front of my eye
Was more than enough
An angel with a lock of a smile.

In a printed African top,
Covered by a white blouse,
Like an icing on a cake.

Behind her trotted a kid,
Inquisitive his second skin,
With a tinge of anxiety,
I call it innocent suspicion.

With a closed hug,
That joines us into one;
In a moment of satisfaction,
In a moment of unknown self,
In a moment so short yet long,
In a moment so sure.

We proceeded down,
Step by step,
Each with a tinge of fright
That  would fall off my step,
For my eyes saw no stairs;
My look depicted stares.

When she opened the doors,
I knew the moment had come,
The moment that made my mind calm.

Goodbye My Love

It hurts me so,
Seeing your tear on the floor,
You make my chest grow,
In a heave so long.

I sigh for the days begone,
But I have to say Goodbye.
You are the one I do love,
But I am not the only one you have,
You have a crowd behind your back,
And you distribute kisses and hugs,
Like the unlimited winds of dusk.

My heart cries,
Tears no longer stay in the eye,
All sorrows are mine,
Because I know you can't be mine.

Yes, I did cry,
If you think men don't cry,
Oh how hard I tried,
To suppress the sob with a smile,
My sorrows go for miles.

Oh how hard I tried,
To prove my love with no pride.
I didn't have a mansion
like all the others do,
But my hut provided warmth.
I did't drive a limo
like all the others do.
But my bike so old carried us
as we drank in the wind of love
our laughter ringing like the birds.
I didn't see the skies
like the other do,
But at the bank of the river,
Where the brown waters whisper,
I taught you the names of the birds.
I didn't give you jewels
like the others do,
But I made you a leafy crown,
Because you were my queen
natural like the morning dew
stuck on the leaves
by an inevitable pull,
that I deemed equivalent to our passion.

My love,
You rejected all I had,
and went for what I had not,
You left me in pieces,
My heart with stains of greases,
The river no longer whispered,
It rumbled.
The bike no longer ran,
It tumbled with each peddle.
The leaves no longer shone,
They looked awful to the eye.
My being was trampled on,
Like the Euphrates in time of war,
In the days of Old.
My heart became solid,
and giving it out,
I swore,
I would never risk.
It was broken once,
and the effect was such a great,
I wouldn't sustain another.

So my Love,
Please just go,
Your presence irks my composure,
know I will cry when you go,
But you can take that limo,
At least that is all you needed.

It Came in Torrents

When lost was all hope,
And memories took control.
When lips cracked dry,
And there were no tears to cry.
When all around was dust,
And a handkerchief was a must.
When the dry wind could rush,
And wet you in a wave of dust...
We all looked to the skies,
The skies so high,
Where the birds take flight,
There was a shade of blue,
You could almost see through.
No cloud blocked the view.
But, it came in torrents,
The skies cried in torment,
Water flowed in currents,
And now the cold freezes.

Am I The Sun of Africa?

He sits down,
In the farthest forlorn corner
Of the mud walled cracked windowless room,
The teacher calls it classroom,
the dictionary says otherwise.
He knows many a people,
Prominent and low,
Nelson Mandela,
Koffi Annan,
Gamel Nasser,
All of them,
Aren't they kids in the hood?
In fact Koffi is Nasser's twin.
He knows not the blue waters,
But the dusty drops,
That merely quench the thirst,
In fact,
The drops so dusty,
Aren't a remedy at all,
They leave the throat scratched.
He has a sister Aisha,
19 year-old wrinkled face,
She is a mother of three,
Traded off
To a nomad with sheep.
She was booked when three,
And sold off at thirteen,
She is such a punch bag to the man,
Thin but bone-hard.
The man so ruthless,
Even to the eye.
He passes his fingers,
Through his dust washed hair,
Coiled as the only form of comfort,
In the distance are gunshots,
He can only fathom the receipient,
The scattered flesh,
Just like his aunt, uncle,
And his other cousin,
Tears cloud his eyes,
The same tears that cloud The Sun of Africa

What A Friend I Have In You!

A friend is like a flower,
Good to look at,
Good to be with,
Good to smell,
Good to move around with,
Improves your appearance,
And adds you a fragrance,
Makes you smell good.

A friend is someone you trust,
Someone you can tell secrets,
And listen to theirs too,
And a friend tells you,
Secrets of others too.

A friend is like a shadow,
Follows you back and forth,
Gets closer as the sun goes higher
Sometimes walks ahead of you.
Guiding you,
As you guide them.

A friend is like a radio,
Keeps you company,
Sets your ears to task,
For soothing songs when depressed.

A friend is like your favourite cloth,
Not only covers your privacy,
But also makes you stand out,
Improves your outward image,
And gives you confidence.


My best friend is not like a flower,
A flower dries,
And loses beauty when it dries,
No one wants it back,
My best friend is more than a flower,
My best friend is always there,
My best friend will never fade.
I have no secrets to share with my best
Because my best friend is my confidant,
And whatever we talk is between us,
So nothing is secret between us.

My best friend is not like a shadow,
Because it only accompanies me in light
But dissolves in when the going gets tough,
A shadow diverts my attention from the light,
My best friend shows me the way of light.

My best friend is not like a radio,
That I only listen to it,
But it never listens to me,
A radio leaves me in a blackout,
In dark greasy moments,
When I need comfort most.
My best friend is a good listener,
And stands by me,
Whatever the storms.
In light and moments not so light.

My best friend is not like a cloth,
That gets dirty and I have to wash,
That gets carried by the wind,
And leaves me exposed,
That gets worn out and out dated.
My best friend is part of me,
Knows how I feel,
Even when I try to hide,
When I wash off my mistakes
We are washed together.
You are that best friend of mine.
And will always be.